
Pdfsam 2.2 1
Pdfsam 2.2 1

  1. Pdfsam 2.2 1 pdf#
  2. Pdfsam 2.2 1 windows#

Pdfsam 2.2 1 windows#

Launcher: pdfsam-starter.exe now can take -Xmx parameter as a value (can be set as a Windows shortcut parameter).Merge, Mix: confirmation dialog if the output file already exists and the overwrite flag is false.

pdfsam 2.2 1

  • Console: fixed bug #2540496 (unpack -d parameter).
  • Console: added the -d option to the concat command to merge all the documents in an input directory.
  • Pdfsam 2.2 1 pdf#

    Row tool tip in pdf selection table in case of errors or warnings.Added the Rotate plugin to perform bulk pages rotation.Console: added the 'rotate' command to rotate multiple documents (feature request #2797066).Fixed bug #2827318 (console concat command ignores 'pdfversion' and 'compressed' parameter if a rotation is set).Added context menu to add prefixes to the prefix JTextField.Sound error in an Exception occurs before the execution of a command.VReorder: added button and context menu to reverse pages order.

    pdfsam 2.2 1

  • Mix: added field to set the step option.
  • Console: added the -step option to the mix command.
  • Added the filename in the page viewer status bar.
  • (number of threads now is fixed, configurable and doesn't depend on the number of panels opened).
  • Shared thread pool for the thumbnails generation among panels.
  • JVisualPdfPageSelectionPanel: fixed document info tooltip.
  • VComposer, VReorder: no minimum size for the destination panel put inside a scroll panel.
  • VComposer, VReorder: fully working save/load environment.
  • VPageReorderMainGUI: added focus policy and fixed a label.
  • pdfsam 2.2 1

  • VComposer: dropping on a populated thumbnail panel will result in a new tab added to the multitabbed panel.
  • VComposer, VReorder: added 3 zoom levels.
  • VComposer: added a check on the "overwrite" flag.
  • Console: optimized merge algorithm when merging a subset of a document.
  • Console: fixed bug #2715101 (Exception executing split by size).
  • Console: -help argument passed if no argument specified (Feature Request #2697689).
  • Console: called the pdfReader.removeUnusedObjects() when the reader is opened.
  • Console: set compression level to BEST_COMPRESSION when compression is on.
  • Split: fixed bug #2679389 (broken "save environment" function).
  • Console: added the -d option to the encrypt command to encrypt to all the documents in an input directory.
  • Console: added the -d option to the setviewer command to set options to all the documents in an input directory.
  • You’ll find some bug fixes, the context menu to add complex prefixes, the rotate plugin, thumbnails with a slightly improved quality, plugins showed in alphabetical order and the new console command ‘pagelabels’ to set page labels on a pdf document.
  • In this version almost all the libraries have been update, 6 bugs have been fixed, the new docinfo plugin has been added to the enhanced version (this plugin can be used to set metadata of the document like author, title, etc.) and some feature request has been implemented (DnD support on *nix systems, save/restore of the GUI settings when closing/opening pdfsam and saving the environment will save informations about the selected plugin).
  • The user interface has been modified with accelerator keys, warning messages if the destination field is empty and the file chooser now remembers the previous path. Now the ImageViewer for the single pages preview has zoom in, zoom out and rotate capabilities, the alternate mix has a new option that lets you define the step for both the input documents, the split function has been modified to better handle input files with a big bookmarks tree and should be much faster now splitting these types of files.
  • These releases are mainly focused on bug fixes and feature requests.
  • Upgraded thumbnails generation libraries and langpack.
  • pdfsam 2.2 1

  • No more “invisible GUI” and crappy “delete gui-config.xml” workaround.
  • Confirmation sounds are now working on Java 7.
  • New pdfsam-starter.exe and finally no more “javaw.exe not found” error message.
  • Windows msi installation package supporting silent installation.
  • Fixed bug #100 rotate doesn't perform rotation.
  • Muutoshistoria ohjelmalle PDF Split and Merge Basic

    Pdfsam 2.2 1